Set in Aiyanaar Patti, a village in a rural area around Theni, where caste segregation is still practiced as the result of the controversial Criminal Tribes Act imposed by the British colonists. This ends up with impoverished communities being stereotyped as generational criminals. Among these is a young man called Padaiveeran, raised by his doting maternal uncle after his parents' death. He is often arrested for petty crimes, until one day he comes to realise a way to clear his community of the caste stereotyping. He decides he must become a police officer.
Wicked City (1992)
In Front of Your Face (2021)
Another Time (2018)
Tang Zhuan Xia Zhi Ling Yu Shuang Sheng (2019)
Five Feet Apart (2019)
The Apprentice: ONE Championship Edition (2021)
Philadelphia (1993)
The Lies Within (2019)
Back to Earth (2018)
The 100 (Season 2) (2014)
The Anchor (2022)
Go Back Couple (2017)
Tom and Jerry (1940)
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